
in triangle abc, if m∠a is six less than 7 times x, m∠b is five less than three times x, and m∠c is five less than four times x, find x and the measure of each angle.

Accepted Solution

Answer:m∠a=92°m∠b=37°m∠c=51°Step-by-step explanation:we know thatThe sum of the measure of the internal angles of a triangle must be equal to 180 degreeswe have thatm∠a+m∠b+m∠c=180°  -----> equation Am∠a=(7x-6)°m∠b=(3x-5)°m∠c=(4x-5)°substitute the given values in the equation A and solve for x[tex](7x-6)\°+(3x-5)\°+(4x-5)\°=180\°[/tex][tex](14x-16)=180[/tex][tex]14x=196[/tex][tex]x=14[/tex]Find the measure of each anglem∠a=(7(14)-6)=92°m∠b=(3(14)-5)=37°m∠c=(4(14)-5)=51°