
Savannah earns $247.00. How many hours did she work?

Accepted Solution

Answer:1.  8.252.  Savannah3.  Earnings of Savannah:   $190Earnings of Greg:   $180Earnings of Kevin:   $1654.  26 Hours5.  55.55 hours (or 56 hours)Step-by-step explanation:Full Question Shown in the Image Attached.1.Constant of Proportionality is the constant value (k) of two proportional quantities.Here, it is hours vs. wage.It is usually y divided by x.In this problem, hours worked is "x" and wage is "y". We can take the first row of Kevin's wages from table and find the constant of proportionality.[tex]\frac{Wage}{Hour}=\frac{16.5}{2}=8.25[/tex]Thus, the constant of proportionality is 8.252.We can find the highest hourly wage by first finding the unit rate, or the hourly wage for each person. Then we will compare between the 3 person.For Savannah:We divide the total wage (Earned Column) divided by Hours.[tex]\frac{19}{2}=9.5[/tex]Hourly wage is 9.5For Greg:We do the similar division shown below:[tex]\frac{27}{3}=9[/tex]Hourly wage is 9For Kevin:Again, doing the same process, we get:[tex]\frac{16.5}{2}=8.25[/tex]Hourly wage is 8.25By comparing the hourly wages of 3 people, we see that the highest hourly wage is that of Savannah's.3.We know hourly wage for each person. To know how much each one makes if they work 20 hours, we have to multiply 20 with their respective hourly wages.Earnings of Savannah:  20 * 9.5= $190Earnings of Greg:  20 * 9 = $180Earnings of Kevin:  20 * 8.25 = $1654.Since she earn's $247 and her hourly wage is 9.5, we can find the hours she worked by dividing her earnings (247) by the hourly wage (9.5). Hence,[tex]\frac{247}{9.5}=26[/tex]Thus, Savannah worked 26 hours5.For Greg to earn 500 dollars, we need to divide his earnings (500) by his hourly wage, which is $9 per hour. Thus we have:[tex]\frac{500}{9}=55.55[/tex]So, Greg needs to work 55.55 hours to earn $500. If fractional hours are not possible, then Greg needs to work 56 hours.